  • 1 # 何以笙丶丶

    follow me to make tomato & egg soup 跟我如下做

    1,peel off two pieces of tomatos 番茄去皮

    2,cut the peeled tomato into pieces and then put it into boiler(pot) 去皮番茄切片入鍋

    3,cut one piece of green onion into 2 millimeter segment and then put it into a soup bowl 青蔥切碎入湯碗

    4,put one and half litre of water into the boiler 一升半水入鍋

    5,put salt,black pepper powder,cheese,MSG(only for Chinese), tomato paste,into boiler 鍋裡放鹽,胡椒粉,油,味精,番茄醬

    6,fire the boiler, let the water boiling,and cook for 5 minutes,then step 7,燒開鍋煮5分鐘,然後做第7步

    7,take two eggs and stir egg, then put the stired egg into the boiler,and stir the boiler gently once. then cook 1 or 2 mimutes, the soup is ready 打二個蛋,攪動好,倒入鍋,稍微攪動下,水再開就起鍋

    8,pour the soup into the soup bowl in which this is green onion 鍋中湯倒入有蔥的碗中

    well, you take the taste soup 好了,美味湯

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