  • 1 # kznup25205

    ·Welcome to listen to the weather forecast for tomorrow/the following week. ·Here’s the weather forecast/ report for… 2. 結束語: That’s all for today. Thanks forwatching/ listening to today’s weather forecast. 常用句子: •Here is the weather forecast for… •Here is some cities’ weather for… •This is a weather report for the cityof… •Let’s look at the weather in…Province for the next 24 hours. •It will be rainy, snowy, sunny, windy… •There will be rain, snow, a storm… •It will rain, snow… •The temperature will be… to … •The highest / lowest temperature will be … •It will stay hot the whole week. •The temperature will drop by 5-8 . 適當增加一些話來增加文章色彩: It’s perfect for a walk/a picnic. You’d better put on more clothes. Don’t forget totake your umbrella with you when you go out

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