  • 1 # 芒種1234

    In winter I get up at night 冬日我大清早起床

    And dress by yellow candle-light. 藉著黃色的蠋光穿裳。

    In summer quite the other way, 夏日完全相反,

    I have to go to bed by day. 我必須在日間上床。


    I have to go to bed and see 我必上床且看

    The birds still hopping on the tree, 鳥兒還在樹梢躍蕩,

    Or hear the grown-up people"s feet 抑或聆聽成年人的腳聲

    Still going past me in the street. 仍舊在街道走過我的身旁。


    And does it not seem hard to you, 它對你來說難道不為難嗎?

    When all the sky is clear and blue, 在明亮而蔚藍的天空當前,

    And I should like so much to play, 而我如此喜歡玩耍,

    To have to go to bed by day? 卻必須在白天就上床?


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