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    What wonderful news!

    How wonderful the news is!

    祈使句的反義疑問句,除非是Let"s 開頭後面要用shall we, 後面都用will you。

    others和the others的區別:前者指其餘所有人,範圍為世界上所有人,如:Children should learn how to share things with others.而the others 指一定範圍內的其他所有人,常與some連用,Some of my friends like basketball, the others don"t. 範圍為我的朋友。

    Another和the other的區別,前者指三者及以上中的另一個,These jackets are two small, can you show me another one? 後者指兩者中的另一個,常與one連用,I have two brothers, one is older than me, the other is as old as me .

    Any other 與any的區別,前者是同一範圍內比較,後者是不同範圍比較,如:Beijing is bigger than any other city in China.

    Beijing is bigger than any city in Japan.


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