  • 1 # 手機使用者zty21678394


    一般說來,在It [This] is the first time+that-結構中,that-從句通常用現在完成時:

    It’s the first time (that) the boy has spoken to a foreigner.這個男孩還是第一次同外華人說話.

    It’s the first time that she’s seen an elephant.這是她第一次見到大象.

    有時以上結構中的 first 也可換成 second,third,fourth 等;其中的time也可換成其他名詞:

    It’s the first month that he has lived here.這是他第一個月住在這裡.

    This is the second cigarette that he has smoked today.這是他今天抽的第二支菸.

    若It was the first time that-結構中,that-從句通常用過去完成時,有時也用一般過去時,有時若有包括現在在內的時間狀語,偶爾還可用現在完成時:

    I was lucky because that was the second time I (had) visited Japan that year.我很幸運,那是我那年第二次訪問日本.

    It was the first time this year that he hadn’t [hasn’t] worked on a Saturday.這是今年來他第一次在星期六不上班.

  • 2 # eedda

    是一個用it作形式主語,真正主語是後面的that引導的從句,表示“是第一次做某事” 如 it is the first time that I have been in Beijing (後面從句一般用完成時態)

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