  • 1 # 金色年華的你

    不定冠詞用法: ①表同類中的任何一個,即人或事物的類別: A teacher is a person who teaches. ②表同一性,與the same同義: We are all of an age. ③用於集合名詞、抽象名詞、專有名詞前: It"s a pleasure to talk with you. The house has been bought by a Mr.Jones. 定冠詞用法: ①特指上文提到過的事物; We have a cat and two dogs, the cat is black. ②用於宇宙中獨一無二的物質名詞前: The esrth goes around the sun. ③用於最高階、比較級前: The most important people is here. The sooner we operate now the safer. ④用於序數詞之前: He was the first man to say that. ⑤用於方位詞之前: Italy is in the south of Europe. ⑥用於樂器名詞之前: He likes playing the piano. ⑦用於adj.或過去分詞前,表示一類人或事物: The rich are not always happier than the poor. The sick and the wounded were sent home. ⑧用於整十的複數數詞前,表示幾十年代: This happened in the 1990s. ⑨用於集合名詞前表總稱或者全體: The police are looking for the muderer. ⑩用於表示地名、組織、江河、海洋、海灣、沙漠等專有名詞前: The Yellow river flows into the Yellow Sea. We visited the Great Wall yesterday. ①①動詞+sb.+介詞+the+身體某個部位 He patted me on the pack. We cought him by the arm. ①②用於姓氏複數形式之前,表示一家人或者夫婦二人: The Smiths live in the apartment above ours. ①③用於單位計量詞前表示標準,即每: They let out cars by the day. 注:按重量by weight.一般不加the. 零冠詞: ①表泛指的【U】或【C】的複數前: Snow was falling. ②職位頭銜,獨一無二,不做主賓,不加冠詞; ③時間、節日、季節、三餐、球類、學科、語言等名詞前無冠詞; ④kind/sort of +n.的n前無冠詞: This kind of book is very interesting.

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