  • 1 # 老生談笑

    你好,如下:Everybody has his own day,so do I.I often have a busy and interesting day.In the morning,I usually get up at 6,and then brush my teeth,wash my face and then have breakfast.At noon,I have lunch,after that,I must help my parents do some housework.In the afternoon,I often have to finish my homework and then go(to) play soccer with my companies.In the evening,I usually watch cartoons with my little brother and go to sleep at 11.翻譯:我的一天大家都有各自的一天,我也不例外。我經常有著既忙碌又有意思的一天。早上,我通常6點起床然後刷牙洗臉然後吃早飯。中午,我吃午飯,那之後,我必須幫父母做做家務。下午,我經常得完成自己的作業然後去跟我的夥伴們踢足球。晚上,我通常會跟我小弟看卡通,然後11點睡覺。

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