  • 1 # 科技小升

    I think, I think when it is all over,(我想,當感情分崩離析之時)it just comes back in flashes you know.(那些回憶會不斷浮上你的心頭)It"s like a kaleidoscape of memories, but it just all comes back(就像是記憶的萬花筒,但你就是不禁會想到他)But he never does.(但他再也不會回到你身邊了)I think part of me knew this the second I saw him that this would happen.(我想我的內心深處在見到他伊始,就預見了未來)It is not really anything he said or anything he did.(這種感覺不來源於他的一言一行)It was the feeling that came along with it(而是他給我帶來的感覺使然)and crazy thing is I don"t know if I am ever gonna feel that way again(瘋狂的是,我都不敢確定我能否感到愛的悸動了)But I don"t know if I should.(但我也不知道是否應該繼續愛了)I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright(我深知他的世界運轉飛快,所謂的感情迅速灰飛煙滅)But I just thought(但我只是覺得)How can a devil be pulling me towards someone who looks(魔鬼憑什麼要把我引向)so much like an angel when he smiles at you(微笑如此甜蜜,但其實是大麻煩的人啊)Maybe he knew that when he saw me(也許他見到我以後,就明白了將來的一切)I guess I just lost my balance(也許我只是失去了平衡罷了)I think that the worst part of it all wasn"t losing him(這段感情最糟糕的不是失去他)it was losing me.(而是迷失了自己)

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