  • 1 # 小城大事會

    Crumbs - Ministry

    Written by:Paul Barker/MINISTRY/Hypo Luxa/Hermes Pan

    You"re down there shooting blanks from broken guns

    You fire all day long and still not hit a f**king one

    Don"t want to know what some sick sniper f**k considers fun

    You prob"ly throw a party served with melted ice cream over crumbs

    Just crumbs

    Just crumbs

    You prob"ly lick more a** than anyone

    I guess you like the taste of sh*t on your tongue

    No matter what you order the same thing will come

    A plate of refried sh*t just covered in crumbs

    Just crumbs

    Just crumbs

    I never had a life

    I don"t even know what life is

    I never had a life

    I don"t even know what life is

    Have you

    Have you

    Have you

    I have what you"d call a life

    I never had a life

    I don"t even know what life is

    I never had a life

    I don"t even know what life is

    Have you

    Have you

    Have you

    Everyday of my life

    I have what you"d call a life

    I have what you"d call a life

    I have what you"d call a life


  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 想問問,瑜伽練到怎樣的程度,才能改善圓肩駝背的情況?大概需要練習多久,該注意些什麼?