  • 1 # HE一HAI


    1.put on,結束性/瞬間性動詞,表示“穿”的動作,不與表示一段的時間狀語連用。例如:He put on his new shirt before he went out.

    She was putting on the socks then.

    2.wear,延續性/持續性動詞,表示“穿著”的狀態,可以和表示一段的時間狀語連用。例如:Tom wears a black overcoat today.

    We never like wearing school clothes to go to school.


    She dressed her baby before she cooked breakfast.

    The boy is too young to dress himself.

    但是還可以用be/get dressed (in)。例如:

    They get/are dressed fine.

    They get/are dressed in fine clothes.

    也可以用(be)in 表“穿著”:The little girl is in a colorful skirt.

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