  • 1 # daazhu1


    例:If it were not for your help,I would not have succeeded.要不是你的幫忙,我是不會成功的.

    = I would not have succeeded if it were not for your help.

    unless = if.not用來引導否定的條件句,也就是說用來代替否定的if從句.

    例:If Max doesn"t come on time,we will leave without him.如果Max沒準時來,我們就不等他先走.

    =Unless Max comes on time,we will leave without him.

    not+unless=only...if 表示"如果...的話"

    例:Venus won"t come unless Nancy does.Venus不會來,除非Nancy有來.

    =Venus will not oonly come if Nancy does.

    注意,這裡的only只是用來強調if ,與 if only(要是...就好了) 意思不同喔~

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