  • 1 # 否極泰來否一


    1.give up 放棄;2.give in 投降,讓步;3.give away 分發;4.give back 歸還;5.give out 分發,散發;6.give off 放出,發出;7.give way 撤退,退讓;8.give over 停止,放棄;9.give into (過道等)通向;10.give rise to 引起,導致;11.give sb. a hand 給予幫助;


    1、He gave away most of his fortune to the poor.<送給,分發>

    2、They suspected(懷疑)that the secret had been given away by one of their friends.<洩露(機密)>

    3、 He has given in to my views.<向……讓步,投降>

    4、The gas gave off an unpleasant smell.<散發出>

    5、 He gave his life to the study of art.<把生命獻給……>

    6、The teacher gave out the examination papers.<散發,頒發>

    7、The swimmer gave out after ten laps.<體力不支,耗盡>

    8、 Billy kept asking his mother if he could go to the movies and she finally gave way.<妥協,屈從>

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  • 孩子在什麼情況下不宜大笑?