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    西式婚禮:Western wedding refers to the popular wedding pattern in the west. (西式婚禮是指西方流行的結婚模式。) If new appointee wants to hold western-style wedding custom in the church, should understand the custom of a few churches above all. (若新人想在教堂舉行西式的婚禮規矩,首先應瞭解一些教會的規矩。) Generally speaking, to be married in a church, one of the two parties should have joined the church. (一般來說,要在教堂舉行婚禮,雙方應有一方已經加入教會。) But perhaps some churches to these control is not so strict, new people should go to the church in advance contact, understand. (但或者有些教堂對這些的控制沒有這麼嚴,新人應提前去教堂聯絡,瞭解清楚。) 中式婚禮:Chinese traditional wedding is an important part of Chinese culture. (中國傳統婚禮是華夏文化的重要部分。) It is one of the quintessence of Chinese traditional culture. (是漢傳統文化精粹之一。) Red sedan chair, baitiandi, hatchback, wearing "phoenix coronet xia pei, first rank dress" Chinese wedding. (大紅花轎、浩浩蕩蕩的迎親儀仗隊、拜天地、掀蓋頭,身穿"鳳冠霞帔、狀元服"的中式婚禮。) "Pursuing cultural roots and attaching importance to traditional folk customs" has become the new "fashion" of modern people. ("追尋文化根源、重視傳統民俗"成了現代人的新“時尚”,這就是中式婚禮。)

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