  • 1 # mylar口子窖

    四月一日的英語為:April 1st.;四月一日是愚人節。;例句如下:;1、會議四月一日開幕了。;The meeting opened on April lst. ;provided by jukuu;2、四月一日是一個特殊的日子,在那一天,你可以惡作劇而不被懲罰。;The first of April is a special day, on which practical jokes may be played without punishment. ;www.jialidun.com;3、英格蘭和蘇格蘭的居民將四月一日這天作為愚弄人的日子。;People in britain an Scotland recognize April1st as a day of fooling. ;blog.sina.com.cn;4、湯姆的生日是四月一日。;Tom"s birthday is_on_the first of April. ;iask.sina.com.cn;5;有一次的四月一日,一輛鄉村公共汽車正行進在路上,突然它放慢了速度,最後停了下來。;On April first, a country bus was going along a road. Then it slowed down and stopped.

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