  • 1 # puadr5445

      not at the school  不是在學校  例句:  

    1.Dr. Gidley is always on the up and up, with his young wife, his two little boys atthe right school and his practice desirably situated.  吉德利大夫有位年青的妻子,兩個孩子上了正規的學堂,自己的開業地點又十分理想,因此小日子過得一步一層樓。  

    2.At the age of fifteen she gave up taking piano lessons to concentrate on herschool work.  她十五歲時,不再學習鋼琴,而是開始專心於上學。  

    3.She was the odd one out, just as she had been at school and university: a square peg in a round hole.  她比較怪僻,象在中學和大學裡一樣,不適應周圍的環境。  

    4.She fought her way back to health so quickly after the accident that she wassoon back at school.  她在事故後努力迅速恢復了健康,所以很快返校上課了。

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