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    ■當hundred , thousand , million , billion 和dozen 受數詞或不定數量詞修飾時,總是用零複數形式( 即意義上是複數,而形式上無複數標誌)例句:1 . two hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion/ people2 . several hundred/ thousand/million/ billion/ people3 . They want a few hundred/ten thousand.■而當後面接of 短語時, dozen , hundred , thousand , million 等在標準英語中大都採用複數形式。例句:1 .“ Have you ever gone water-skiing before ? ”“ Oh , yes, dozens of times.”“ 你以前滑過水嗎?” “ 噢, 滑過, 滑過幾十次了。”2 . Hundreds of tree species face extinction.許許多多樹種瀕臨滅絕。■當含義指位數時,用複數形式。例句:1. The cost ran into the thousands.成本達到千位數。2. We"re talking about a figure in the low hundreds.我們談論的是一個兩三百的數字。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 因工作一連幾年不能回家和父母一起過年是什麼體驗?