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    1、情態動詞can的過去式,用於指過去。如:He could speak English shen he was a child.2、表虛擬語氣。如:If I could go, I should be glad.(假如我能去,那我就會很高興。)3、指現在,如:That man could do with a haircut.(那人需要理髮了。)4、作為can的委婉形式。如:Could you please do me a favor?也可以用can you 提問,但用could you 顯得更加委婉一些。其他問句表能夠:Can you write with your left hand?Could the boy read before he went to school?表可能:What can\could he mean?(特殊疑問句,有感情色彩,表驚訝、迷惑等,他可能是什麼意思呢?)表允許:Can you lend me a hand?(你能幫我一把嗎?)Could I interrupt a moment?(我能插句話嗎?)表懷疑:Can it be true?(表懷疑、推測時,can僅用於一般疑問句,並有感情色彩。那會是真的嗎?)(could 也有這樣的用法,但暗含著更不確定的意義。Could it be true?較不確定。)

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