  • 1 # dhksm35829

    mental health英 [ˈmentl helθ] 美 [ˈmɛntl hɛlθ] 心理健康雙語例句1Poor housing and family stress can affect both physical and mental health.住房條件差、家庭壓力大會影響身心兩方面的健康。2Support the development of mental health services in primary health care, general hospitals and in the community. 支援在初級衛生保健、綜合醫院和社群中發展精神衛生服務。well being英 [wel ˈbi:ɪŋ] 美 [wɛl ˈbiɪŋ] n.幸福;健康;保持良好狀態雙語例句全部 幸福 健康 保持良好狀態以下例句來源於網路,僅供參考1But I love organized ball as well being that I"ve played it all my life at every level.但我愛有組織球的福祉,我打了這一切我生命中的每一個層面。2To whether fame was most important to me or my spiritual well being, and I chose the latter. 聲名顯赫與心靈安寧,哪一個對我更重要?我選擇了後者。希望對你有幫助~

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