  • 1 # 電風扇



    1、It"s beginning to get light. (天漸漸亮了。 )

    2、I can"t read while you are standing in my light. (你擋住了我的明亮光線,我沒法看書。)

    3、This is a heavy box, and that is a light one.(這是一個重箱子,那是一個輕箱子。)

    4、She bent forward, and her fine light hair fell over her cheeks.(她向前探出身子,她的淺色的美麗頭髮遮住了臉頰。)

    5、It"s beginning to get light.(天漸漸亮了。)


    1、The box is too heavy,and I can"t carry it.(這箱子太重了,我搞不定。)

    2、The bag was too heavy for me to carry, I pulled it into my room.(:這個袋子太重我搬不動,但我把它拖進了我的房間。)

    3、The bag is too heavy to carry.(這個包太重而搬不動。)

    4、His heavy boots cumbered him in walking. (他的笨重的靴子使他行走不便。)

    5、The heavy bag weighted the pupil to one side. (沉重的書包壓得那小學生歪向一邊。)

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