  • 1 # 使用者4034798072939




    I\"d never seen that stage of Urgency,

    I took her pulse under my leadership, No sweat,

    As the horizons waters broke,

    A fallen star, How weird you are.

    For an easy life I\"d give anything,

    I won\"t amount to much if that\"s


    with you,

    She revealed to me a lovely gun,

    That dreaded day shot far away...


    You, You sigh, \"Kill me, complete me, Fast\"...


    You, You swear, You Kill me completely, yeah.


    You, You sigh, \"Kill me, complete me, Fast\"...


    You, You swear, You Kill me completely, yeah.

    Kill me completely, yeah

    Kill me completely, yeah

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 選擇結婚物件,選擇比較矯情的大齡剩女還是比較有共同語言的二婚?