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    temple bar聖殿酒吧例句與用法

    1. Mr. cruncher was so bewildered that he could think of no locality but temple bar .克郎邱先生是這樣迷迷惑惑,以至除了聖堂門口外他想不起任何地名。

    2. Temple bar was hundreds of miles away , and madame defarge was drawing very near indeed倫敦法學會遠在千里之外,而德伐日太太只不過咫尺之遙

    3. You are the quickest messenger i know , and will get to temple bar long before i can你是我所認識的最快的信使,趕回法學院大門比我要快多了。 ”

    4. Tellson s bank by temple bar was an old - fashioned place , even in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty倫敦法學會大門旁的臺爾森銀行即使在一千七百八十年也已是個老式的地方。

    5. And a game filly she is . while he waited in temple bar m coy dodged a banana peel with gentle pushes of his toe from the path to the gutter在聖殿酒吧前等候的時候,麥科伊躲開一條香蕉皮,然後用腳夾把它輕輕挑到人行道的陰溝裡去。

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