  • 1 # 創業小白1988

      中文:及時。  相同意思的詞彙還有:  in time,without delay,timely等  例句如下:  (1)我希望你能及時把錢匯寄給我。  I hope you"ll remit me the money in time.  (2)他們及時到達車站,趕上了那班火車。  They made the station in time to catch the train.  (3)她幾乎從平衡木上掉了下來,但及時恢復了平衡。  She almost started to fall from the balance beam but recovered herself in time.

  • 2 # 使用者5181938067313

    in a timely manner意思是:及時地 in a timely manner 及時地;及時 例句 1.We will get back to you in a timely manner. 我們會及時給予回覆。

    2.Coordinate mail delivery in a timely manner. 確保郵件傳遞準時。3.Be responsible for pick-up goods required in a timely manner. 負責生產所需貨物的按時提取。

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