  • 1 # 河南謙鵬


    1. 開頭:引起閱件人注意;

    2. 主要部分:喚起閱件人的興趣;指出所推銷的產品或服務;介紹產品或服務的優點;展示能使閱件人信服的推薦材料、媒體報導或資質證明等;

    3. 結尾:提供其他資訊;指明進一步的聯絡的方式;利用附言重複重要內容。摘自《英語函件寫作工具》英語產品推介信範文一範文摘要:聖誕節來臨之際向客戶推薦產品。(Salutation)We are marching with big steps towards the best time of the year: Christmas withsurprises and the New Year"s Eve with candle lights and sweet cookies.We give ourselves this opportunity to recommend to you a special ____ (product"sname) for the occasion. Originating from ____ (area), ____ (product"s name) hasreceived market recognition based on its elegant design and confirmed highquality.Wish you enjoy the preparation time and gifts of the celebration!(Complimentary Close)寫一封好的產品推薦信,起到的作是很大的,或許能增加您的銷售業績,或許能為您公司的發展帶來更廣闊的市場

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 描寫花兒好看的詞語有哪些?