ago and ant any are arm ash awe awl
bad bag bar bed bet bid big bin box bus bye
can cap car cat cud cue cup cut
dad day die dig dim dog dud due
ear eat eve eye
fan far fat few fir fit flg fly fop for fox fun
gap ghi gif god gun
had hag ham han has hat hay hem hen her hey hew him his hot how hub
ime its
law leg lip low
man map men met MIS mom mum
new now
old one our
pal pan pat pay pen pig
que qui quo
ran red run
sad sat see saw set she shy sky sit six
ten two
who why
yes yhe you
ago and ant any are arm ash awe awl
bad bag bar bed bet bid big bin box bus bye
can cap car cat cud cue cup cut
dad day die dig dim dog dud due
ear eat eve eye
fan far fat few fir fit flg fly fop for fox fun
gap ghi gif god gun
had hag ham han has hat hay hem hen her hey hew him his hot how hub
ime its
law leg lip low
man map men met MIS mom mum
new now
old one our
pal pan pat pay pen pig
que qui quo
ran red run
sad sat see saw set she shy sky sit six
ten two
who why
yes yhe you