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    簡介:影片《忠犬八公的故事》改編自1933年發生在日本的真實故事,影片講述一位大學教授收養了一隻小秋田犬,取名“八公”。之後的每天,八公早上將教授送到車站,傍晚等待教授一起回家。不幸的是,教授因病辭世,再也沒有回到車站,然而八公在之後的9年時間裡依然每天按時在車站等待,直到最後死去英文翻譯:The film "loyal dog Hachiko story" adaptation since 1933 occurred in Japan"s true story, the film tells the story of a university professor has adopted a Akita dog, named "Hachi". After the day, Hachiko morning will teach at the station in the evening waiting for him to go back together. Unfortunately, Professor illness died, never returned to the station. However, Hachiko after nine years still on time every day at the station waiting until finally died

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 紀實攝影為什麼要擺拍?