  • 1 # 手機使用者zty21678394

    沒有even that 的用法,只有even though。eveb if與even though的區別如下;

    even if與even though有區別:

    even if一般引導的是把握不大或假設的事情,

    even though引出的是事實。

    如:Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud.


    Even though he was late, he was not criticized by the teacher.

    雖然他晚了, 可他並沒有受到老師的批評。

    Even though he knows it, he"ll not let out the secret.


    Even if he knows it, he"ll not let out the secret.


    though 常表示一些已經確定的訊息,而if由它本身所帶的“如果”的含義,表示了一種對假設資訊的不確定。

    even if 引導的從句是往往是假設性的,相當於漢語的“即使”“縱然”“就算”“哪怕”。

    正因為even if從句的內容通常是假設性的,所以有時還可用於虛擬語氣;這樣用的even if 與單獨使用的if比較接近。

    這樣用的even though與though或although的意思比較接近,許多時候可以互換(注意:英語可以說though和even though,但不能說even although)。

    Even though [Thought, Although] I felt sorry for him, l was secretly pleased tha t he was having difficulties. 雖然我為他感到惋惜,但對他的困難卻暗自高興。

    Even though [Thought, Although] we all tried our best, we lost the game. 雖然我們已盡了最大的力量,但還是輸了。

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