  • 1 # 阿峰頭很平

    To understand A and B is essential. This kind of food tastes delicious. He looked worried just now. Tom is a student.   He is thin.   I am tired.   We are primary students.   The bag was lost.   The boy was so foolish.   They were kind.   She is in the room.   The books are on the desk.   Snow is white.   Kate was here yesterday.   My father became a teacher last year.   The weather gets hot in summer.   She looks beautiful.   The flower smells good.   We were very happy.   You are right.   The soup tastes delicious.   The chair is yours.   The children are asleep.   The story is interesting.   He feels better today.   The leaf turns green.   I stayed awake all the night.   The weather still remained cold in April.   The little girl is six.   My work is to look after the baby.   His job is taking care of the patient.   The girl is very pretty.   He went mad.



  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 對媽寶男怎麼理解?