  • 1 # 袁袁袁639

    Dear Mayor,

    Hello, my name is xxx. As a citizen living in your city, I am always grateful for the service that you provide us. However, here is one suggestion that I wish to make. Recently, the pollution in our city has worsened. Polluted air emitted by cars is making everybody hard to breathe. Additionally, the toxic gases that factories are releasing are turning into smog and making it hard for anyone to see what"s going on. Aggravating the situation to a more extreme extent, litters are almost covering the ground and making pedestrians hard to walk.

    I hereby make a suggestion that you devise a method of resolving this environmental issue. Not only will this further elevate the quality of our lives, but also will your action improve the image of our city in the view of people from other cities. In brief, before the problem becomes worse, please take actions and help us. I, on behalf of all the denizens of our city, humbly ask for your cooperation.

    Thank you. Sincerely,


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