  • 1 # 愛做夢的瑞貝卡


    1. It is no use (no good, fun, great fun, a new experience, a great honour, etc) doing sth。如:

    It is no good talking. 空談是沒有用的。

    It’s fun working for him. 為他工作很有意思。

    It’s great fun sailing a boat. 揚帆駕舟十分有趣。

    It’s no use shouting at him—he’s deaf. 向他叫喊是沒有用的——他耳聾。

    It has been a great honour your coming to visit us. 你來看望我們是極大榮幸。

    2. It is good (nice, useless, interesting, pleasant, tiring, etc) doing sth。如:

    It is useless speaking. 光說沒有用。

    It was pleasant sitting there. 坐在那裡很愉快。

    It’s so nice sitting here with you. 和你坐在一起真是愉快。

    It’s terribly tiring working late like this. 這樣幹到深夜是非常累人的。

    3. it is worth while doing sth。如:

    It’s worth while doing the work. 這項工作值得做。

    Do you think it’s worth while quarrelling with me? 你認為和我吵值得嗎?

    4. 其他句式。如:

    It doesn’t matter wasting a little money. 浪費一點錢沒有關係。

    It felt funny being dressed like a peasant girl. 打扮成村姑感到有點怪怪的。

    What’s it like being married? 結婚是什麼味道。

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