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      be true of的意思是 也 同樣(適用) 的意思,be the same with是“與……情況一樣”,它們的區別在於 前者強調客觀真理後者強調 一樣。  it"s the same with 例句:  

    1.It"s the same with Glen, who had a problem with his hamstring, so we left himup there.  格倫的情況也是這樣,他肌腱還有問題,所以我們把他留下了。  

    2.When it"s time for debugging, you can deploy the same database file alongwith the application.  進行除錯時,您可以部署相同的資料庫檔案以及該應用程式。  

    3.Sometimes it"s because you could not find the right people of the same interestto travel with you.  有時是因為找不到志同道合的朋友一起旅遊。  be true of例句:  1.This was true in part because he had the bad luck to be President during a timeof widespread social and economic misery.  其所以如此,部分原因是他運氣不好,在一個社會與經濟苦難到處流行的時候當總統。  2."That"s true, " cried the other, "and you seem to be a gentleman of greatpenetration. "  “這也是實話,”另一個傢伙叫道,“你這位先生似乎很有眼光。”  3.Switzerland, at least, does not have to worry about its security. But that will notbe true of all small nations.  至少瑞士不必擔心安全問題,但並非所有的小國都是如此。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 關於唐太宗的成語?