  • 1 # lpddz2910

      《One of Us》歌詞  “One of Us”  Music by Tom Snow, lyrics by Jack Feldman  Performed by Chorus  Deception  Disgrace  Evil as plain as the scar on his face  Deception (An outrage!)  Disgrace (For shame!)  He asked for trouble the moment he came  Deception (An outrage!)  (He can"t change his stripes)  Disgrace (For shame!)  (You know these Outsider types)  He asked for trouble the moment he came  (See you later, agitator!)  Deception (An outrage!)  (Just leave us alone!)  Disgrace (For shame!)  (Traitor, go back with your own!)  He asked for trouble the moment he came  (See you later, agitator!)  Born in grief  Raised in hate  Helpless to defy his fate  Let him run  Let him live  But do not forget what we cannot forgive  And he is not one of us  He has never been one of us  He is not part of us  Not our kind  Someone once lied to us  Now we"re not so blind  For we knew he would do what he"s done  And we know that he"ll never be one of us  He is not one of us  Deception  Disgrace  Deception  Disgrace  Deception  歡迎樓主光臨獅子王吧哦!

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