  • 1 # 滴逃逃

    這類動詞的用法類似be (is, am, are, was, were),但意思更具體明確,大部分同感官有關.試比較:

    1a. Your idea is great.你的主意不錯.

    1b. Your idea SOUNDS great! 你的主意聽起來不錯呵!(系動詞)

    1c. P in psychology is not sounded.P在心理學一詞中不發音.(實義動詞)

    2a. The house is new. 房子新.

    2b. The house LOOKS new.房子看起來新.(系動詞)

    2c. He is looking at the new house.他正看著那棟新房.(實義動詞)

    3a. The soups is delicious. 湯鮮美.

    3b. The soups TASTES delicious.湯嚐起來味道鮮美.(系動詞)

    3c. The chef is tasting the soup.大櫥在品嚐湯味.(實義動詞)

    4a. The guest room is fresh. 客房(空氣)清爽.

    4b. The guest room SMELLS fresh. 客房聞起來(空氣)清爽.(系動詞)

    4c. We smell with our noses.我們用鼻嗅東西.(實義動詞)

    5a. The table cloth is soft. 桌布柔軟.

    5b. The table cloth FEELS soft.桌布摸起來柔軟.(系動詞)

    5c. The doctor is feeling his patient"s pulse.大夫在號病人的脈.(實義動詞)

    6a. The monument is tall.紀念碑很高.

    6b. The monument STANDS tall. 紀念碑高高聳立.(系動詞)

    6c. They are standing by the monument.他們站在紀念碑旁.



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