  • 1 # gmdnd1766

      send out[英][send aut][美][sɛnd aʊt]  譯為:發出; 傳送; 長出; 散佈;   同義詞:radiate;smoke;vapor;emit  例句:  

    1.Once service was restored, the regime used the network to send out propaganda messages.  沃達豐的服務曾一度恢復,但埃及政府隨即藉助該網路傳送宣傳訊息。  

    2.Columbia hires software companies to help it detect such listings so columbia can send out cease-and-desist letters.  columbia聘用軟體公司來幫助其檢測這類產品名錄,這樣該公司就能夠發出律師函。  

    3.Slightly more expensive and ambitious would be plans to send out robotic missions to explore the solar system.  而比之稍稍貴點且有野心點的任務是發射機器人去探索太陽系。  

    4.After your interview, promptly send out a brief thank you note to each interviewer to thank them for their time.  面試結束後,馬上給他們每個人發一封簡短的感謝信,謝謝他們花時間和你交談。  

    5.Soldiers, installed in a new complaints centre, listen to public grievances and send out vigilante missions to tackle everything from village quarrels to landlord-tenant difficulties and domestic disputes.   士兵在新設立的投訴中心任職,負責聽取民眾投訴,並派出治安人員去處理一切事務,如鄉間爭吵、房東與房客糾紛等等不一而足。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 振翼欲飛是什麼意思?