  • 1 # 無敵動漫星

    This way!走這邊!Justice guides us正義指引著我們。I will not falter.我絕不會動搖。With precision.出手要準Forge onward穩步前進!Ionia shall not fall.艾歐尼亞不會滅亡。I stand resolute我的立場非常堅定。Stay sharp.要保持敏銳。True will cannot be defeated.真正的意志是不會被擊敗的!Why does everyone ask if I cut my own hair?為什麼每個人都在問我“會不會削到自己的頭髮”呢?Ionia!艾歐尼亞!There's no turning back.沒有退路了!Cut them down!惡必斬!My blade never wavers我的劍刃從不顫抖。It ends here.到此結束吧。This battle will be won.這場戰鬥必將獲勝。They will not prevail他們的勝利必將成為奢望!This is what happens when you feed stray blades這就是我收養那些流浪劍刃的結果。You rely on your weapons too much, try letting go.你們太過依賴自己的武器了,要試著放手~Balance in ALL things平衡,存乎萬物之間。My blade is not only precise, but totally gnarly.我的劍刃不但準,而且狠!My blade is at your service.我的劍刃願為您效勞。Fearful full gasp then big pain as stabbed by her own blade可怕的喘息,就像被她自己的劍刺入一樣痛苦。

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