  • 1 # pzyyo24296

    through prep(連詞).(1)從……透過,穿過e. g. The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流經倫敦。比較:across是從平面或表面穿過,如across the street, 而along 是沿著……走。(2)在……中,一直到e. g. She nursed me through my long illness.我病了很長時間,她都一直護理著我。(3)經歷,經受e. g. He was through too much during the war. 戰爭中他經歷了太多。(4)透過e. g. We got the news through our friend. 我們透過朋友得到了這個訊息。He got the job through his uncle. 他透過他叔叔得到了這份工作。(5)(指原因、理由)由於,因為,相當於because of 和as a result。e. g. We missed the plane through being held up on the motorway.由於高速公路上交通堵塞,我們誤了班機。e. g. I lost the job through no fault of mine.我失去了工作並不是由於我自己的原因。

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