  • 1 # iltyy30104

    He had tested thousands of souls in his life. He tested souls every time he interviewed someone for a job.他在一生中考驗了成百上千的人,每次的招工面試都是一番考驗。Or it can be placed in the earth and allowed to grow until its golden head divides and produces a thousand grains from the one.還可能撒在土壤裡,讓它生長,直到金黃的麥穗上結出成百上千顆麥粒。Hundreds of English-language colleges stud the country"s university towns.成百上千的英語語言學院散佈在鄉鎮大學城附近。相似短語:hundreds of thousands 成千上萬,表示很多的意思hundreds of millions 億萬hundreds of 數百,成百上千,許許多多…feeder hundreds dial 進給器百分度盤hundreds of diseases resulting from disorder 百病生於氣hundreds dial 百分度盤hundreds of... 數百…hundreds and thousands 撒在糕餅上做裝飾的蜜餞[小糖果]hundreds of thousands of 幾十萬, 無數by the hundreds 數以百計的更多專業的科普知識,歡迎關注我。如果喜歡我的回答,也請給我贊或轉發,你們的鼓勵,是支援我寫下去的動力,謝謝大家。

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