  • 1 # 人生何處不相逢9099



    circulating capital, working capital 流動資本

    available capital 可用資產

    capital goods 資本貨物

    reserve 準備金,儲備金

    calling up of capital 催繳資本

    allocation of funds 資金分配

    contribution of funds 資金捐獻

    working capital fund 週轉基金

    revolving fund 迴圈基金,週轉性基金

    contingency fund 意外開支,準備金

    reserve fund 準備金

    buffer fund 緩衝基金,平準基金

    sinking fund 償債基金

    investment 投資,資產

    investor 投資人

    self-financing 自籌經費,經費自給

    bank 銀行

    current account 經常賬戶

    current-account holder 支票賬戶

    money 貨幣

    issue 發行

    ready money 現錢

    cash 現金

    ready money business, no credit given 現金交易,概不賒欠

    change 零錢

    banknote, note 鈔票,紙幣

    to pay cash 付現金

    domestic currency, local currency 本國貨幣

    convertibility 可兌換性

    exchange rate 匯率,兌換率

    foreign exchange 外匯

    floating exchange rate 浮動匯率

    free exchange rates 匯兌市場

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