Come to school on time.按時上學.No interfering with the teaching and learning of others. 不干擾老師教學及他人學習. Respect personal property of others. 愛護他人物品. Be respectful of yourself and others. 尊敬自己,尊敬他人. Raise your hand before you speak during a classroom lesson. 舉手發言. Listen quietly while others are speaking. 靜心聽他人說話. Obey all school rules. 遵守學校紀律 No cheating.不作弊.Be polite, courteous, and respectful at all times. Complete all assignments neatly and on time. 按時認真完成做業 Leave your seat only when necessary. 不隨便移動座位. Keep your hands to yourself. 手勿亂觸控.
Come to school on time.按時上學.No interfering with the teaching and learning of others. 不干擾老師教學及他人學習. Respect personal property of others. 愛護他人物品. Be respectful of yourself and others. 尊敬自己,尊敬他人. Raise your hand before you speak during a classroom lesson. 舉手發言. Listen quietly while others are speaking. 靜心聽他人說話. Obey all school rules. 遵守學校紀律 No cheating.不作弊.Be polite, courteous, and respectful at all times. Complete all assignments neatly and on time. 按時認真完成做業 Leave your seat only when necessary. 不隨便移動座位. Keep your hands to yourself. 手勿亂觸控.