  • 1 # 英語老師覃冠平



    1) “兩輪平衡車”的英語口語:

    1. Well, “兩輪平衡車” is called/known as a self-balancing scooter in English

    2. But a self-balancing scooter has many other English names:

    We can call it a hoverboard. We can also call it a self-balancing board

    雖然我們“學”到了一個英文單詞a (two wheel)self-balancing scooter以及它的多種說法,可是,我對a hoverboard的“工作原理”卻一直搞不明白(為什麼它不會“掉下來”?) 好吧,我們繼續用英語“學習”a self-balancing scooter是“怎麼工作”的。


    2) How a hoverboard works

    1. A self-balancing scooter has two pads(踏板) on which we(the rider) place our feet.

    2. We control the speed by leaning forwards or backwards(身體前傾後仰控制速度).

    3. We control the direction of travel by twisting the pads(扭動踏板控制方向)

    Okay.I got you.I know how to ride a hoverboard now.


  • 2 # 小黑說英語

    Two wheel balance car. 兩輪平衡車


    The two-wheel balance system is a power plant made of simple mechanical structure and complex electronic structure, With the data from posture sensor, the motor make the robot stabilize come ture based on the feed-back control.

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