  • 1 # 我的世界有你half

    If it"s too hard to be happy , I wish you peace.

  • 2 # Dannah


    下面是正題了。(我不太會安慰人,也就是叫人家多喝熱水的水平。)You know shit happens. Life can"t be always cheerful. But that"s alright. You can get over it finally. And what"s more important, you"ve got me. I"ll always be with you whenever you need me.


  • 3 # K1core

    There will be enough clouds to make a beautiful sunset(願你的的生命中有夠多的雲翳,來造成一個美麗的黃昏)

  • 4 # 鸚語堂楊老師

    Don"t worry (about it). 別擔心。

    It"s okay. 沒什麼的。

    Forget (about) it. 別放在心上。

    What bad luck!太遺憾了!

    Better luck next time! 下次一定會走運的!

    That"s all right. 沒事兒。

    Don"t blame yourself. 別責備自己了。

    It"s not your fault. 這不是你的錯。

    Don"t worry, it happens. 別擔心了,那是常有的事。

    It happens to the best of us. / It happens to everyone. 這種事誰都會遇到。

    There"s no need to worry about it. 不必為那事煩惱。

    Don"t concern yourself. 別想得太多。

    It"s no big deal. 沒什麼大不了的。

    I"ve seen worse. 這還算好的呢。

    It could have been worse. 還有比這更糟的呢。

    It might have been worse. 也許有的比這更糟呢。

    Don"t feel so bad about yourself. 別那麼難過了。

    Don"t be so hard on yourself. 不要對自己太苛刻了。

    Don"t be so down on yourself. 不要再那麼悶悶不樂了。

    Don"t think so lowly of yourself. 別那麼自暴自棄了。

    It"ll work out. / Things will work out. 總會有辦法的。

    Everything will be fine. 一切都會順利的。

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