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    聞名世界的秋巴浦斯棒棒糖的發明人恩裡克·伯納特·豐利亞多薩近日在西班牙巴塞羅那去世,享年80歲。他在1958年首次推出這種帶棍的糖果,結果使一家幾乎經營不下去的糖果公司扭虧為盈。  而棒棒糖的著名花型商標則是由西班牙超現代派藝術大師薩爾瓦多·達利設計。這種棒棒糖最初是針對兒童市場的。但是,在最近這些年裡,棒棒糖的市場推廣強調的與眾不同的口味和不含脂肪的特徵也贏得了許多成年人的青睞。  對於一些人來說,在嘴裡含著一顆糖果,糖果的棍從嘴唇間露出來,已經成為一種時髦的標誌。  生產秋巴浦斯棒棒糖的這家西班牙家族公司每年生產40億隻棒棒糖。在全世界擁有許多分公司和工廠,僱傭了將近2000人。他們生產的棒棒糖超過50多個品種,其中包括一種專門針對墨西哥市場的辣味棒棒糖。The autumn the bar pump Sri Lanka lollipop inventor of the world-famous Enrique Bernat · Feng Liyaduosa died recently in Barcelona, Spain, at age 80. He was first introduced in 1958, this with a stick of candy, a result, an almost operating candy company does not go into the black.Famous flower lollipop trademark is designed by ultra-modernist Spanish artist Salvador Dali. This lollipop was originally aimed at the children"s market. However, in recent years, lollipop marketing to emphasize the distinctive taste and fat-free characteristics also won the favor of many adults.For some people in the mouth, a stick of candy, candy lips between exposed and has become a fashionable sign.Production this autumn Pakistani Pu Adams lollipop Spanish family company production of 4 billion lollipops a year. The world has many branches and factories, employing nearly 2,000 people. The lollipop they produce more than 50 varieties, including spicy lollipops a specific Mexican market.

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