  • 1 # 雨過AA

    1.聽聞遠方有你,動身跋涉千里,我吹過你吹過的風,這算不算相擁。I heard that you are far away, and I have traveled thousands of miles. I have blown the wind you have blown, which is not considered as mutual support.

    2.願山野都有霧燈,你手持火把渡岸而來點亮我孤妄的青春,此後夜車不再駛往孤站,風雨漂泊都能歸舟。May there be fog lights in the mountains, you cross the shore with a torch and light up my solitary youth, and then the night car will no longer drive to the lone station, and the wind and rain can return to the boat.

    3.這一生,我跋山涉水,不圖江山社稷,不為珠光寶氣,不戀風塵煙雨,我只為,在紅塵的路口剛好與你相遇。In this life, I traveled the mountains and rivers, not the Jiangshan Sheji, not the jewel of the pearl, and the wind, dust, smoke and rain. I just wanted to meet you at the intersection of red dust.

    4.你曾說南風過境,十里春風不如我,後來你情願裹著大衣遷徙北方,我竟活成了你的樣子。You once said that the south wind is crossing, and the spring wind of ten miles is not as good as mine. Later, if you prefer to wrap your coat and move to the north, I will live like you.

    5.你是我半生裡消磨不盡的頹唐,蹉跎歲月亦難忘卻的痴心妄想。You are the decadent, endless wearer of my half-life, and the unforgettable delusions of the past years.

    6.一眼回眸,三生緣,等待三生只為你。擦肩而過,一世情,等待一世終相守。A glance at the three generations, waiting for three generations just for you. Passing by, passing the world, waiting for the whole life to stay together.

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