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    形容詞,副詞的最高階用於三者或三者以上的人或事物之間的比較,表示在一定範圍內最……的,其主要常考的句型有:(1) A…+the+最高階+in (of, among)… 意為在某範圍內A最……

    Shanghai is the largest city in China.上海是中國最大的城市.He is the tallest of the three boys.他是三個男孩中最高的.He jumped (the ) highest in the high jumping.他在跳高中跳的最高.注: 形容詞最高階前如果沒有形容詞性物主代詞,必須加定冠詞the,但副詞最高階前可以不加the.

    (2) A…+one of the +最高階+複數名詞… 意為A是最…之一.

    Jay chou is one of the most popular singers in Taiwan.周杰倫是臺灣最流行的歌星之一.China is one of the largest countries in the world.中國是世界上最大的國家之一.注: one of 後面的名詞要用複數形式.

    (3) …the +序數詞+最高階+單數名詞+in+範圍… 意為在某範圍內是第幾…的

    Chang jiang river is the first longest river in our country.長江是中國最長的河流.Jim is the second tallest boy in our class.teacheray.com吉姆是班裡第二高的孩子.

    (4) Which (who)… (the+)最高階,A, B or C? 意為A ,B,C哪個最…?

    Which is the biggest? The sun, the earth, the moon?哪個是最大的? 太陽,地球,月亮?Who runs (the) fastest? Jim ,Mary or me?誰跑的最快?吉姆,瑪麗還是我?

    (5) A…+the+最高階+(that) I have ever seen/heard/read 意為A是我見過(聽過,讀過)最…的.

    You are the most beautiful girl(that) I have ever seen.你是我見過最漂亮的女孩.Harry is the most interesting book (that) I have ever read.哈利是我讀過最有趣的書.注:除用ever 外,還可以用never.如:He works the hardest that I have never seen before.他是我見過工作最努力的人.

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