  • 1 # 藍風24

    It is inevitable that sometimes we may be faced with some setbacks and frustrations in our daily lives. For example, as students, we are frequently weighed down with endless homework and exams. What"s worse, we may even fail some important tests and are disciplined by our parents and teachers. Or sometimes, we quarrel with classmates or even with our girl friends. Then we feel that this is the end of our life. We are disappointed and want to let it go like that.

      When I am confronted with unpleasant events in my life, instead of feeling humiliated or vexed like some people, I usually make a thorough examination of what happened, and analyze them, in the hope of finding a solution to them. Of course, listening to music, watching TV, having a chat with my bosom friends, taking a stroll in my neighborhood, or simply yelling in the open have all been my ways to cope with my troubles.

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