來比一比誰的詩詞儲量大,用一句英文來變得押韻。 我先來: 巴山楚水淒涼地,responsibility 安能摧眉折腰事權貴,I Would rather be a gay. 但使龍城飛將在,Come on baby don't be shy. 空山新雨後,fire in the hole. 接下來我就等看評論,看看哪些鬼才會脫穎而出。
  • 1 # 小剛money

    空山新雨後,fire in the hole.

    暗梅幽聞花,I have a very low IQ.

    欲窮千里目,It turns out that I am afraid of heights.

    春眠不覺曉,Mosquitoes Bite Everywhere

  • 2 # 小灰灰的日常vlog

    日照香爐生紫煙。fk you zhao xiang lu I had a baby called purple smoke.

  • 3 # 卓美兒童英文戲劇

    眾裡尋他千百度,暮然回首,hey,how do you do.

    雲中誰寄錦書來,super high,suck guy.

    身無綵鳳雙飛翼,get away from me.

    問君能有幾多愁,easy come easy go.

    此情可待成追憶,oh my baby you and me.

    天生麗質難自棄,You must be a Weasley!

    遙知兄弟登高處,what else can i do?

    歌聲飛到雲天外,who is saying goodbye.

    床前明月光,there is something wrong.



  • 4 # 混子哥說歷史

     燕草如碧絲,秦桑低綠枝。  當君懷歸日,是妾斷腸時。  春風不相識,何事入羅幃?    翻譯後  詞霸版  英文:  燕草 as bess, our mulberries here curve green-threaded branches. when you have to date, is almost broken. the strangers, why is the silk curtains by my bed?  再翻回來  碧絲,秦桑低綠branches。當你到目前為止,幾乎是broken。陌生人,為什麼我的床綢窗簾嗎?

  • 5 # 滴答好物


    I have built my cottage amongest the throng of men, and yet there is no noise of horse and of carrige.

    空山不見人, 但聞人語響.

    Empty the hills, no man in sight, yet voices echo here.


    Cloud to clothes to permit, spring breeze blows flower trap LouHuaNong. Unless the group head to see, jade every YaoTai next month.

    故人西辭黃鶴樓, 煙花三月下揚州。孤帆遠影碧空盡, 唯見長江天際流。

    Old west phrase, the yellow crane tower spends march yangzhou China. Solitary sail far shadow as the sky see is the great river, the sky flow.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 洋河夢之藍怎樣,值得入手嗎?