  • 1 # shengshijituan_254

    be obsessed by 稍帶一點貶義1.be obsessed with:沉迷於,著迷於,沉溺。Be what makes men such be obsessed with a world cup? 是什麼讓男人們如此痴迷世界盃?2. be obsessed by 使煩擾;指(恐懼等)纏住Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude. 要沉浸在過去的快樂中,並滿懷感激之情。be obsessed with 例句:1.痴迷於 The entire family were obsessed with reading. 這個家庭裡所有人都痴迷於讀書。 Where Chinese may be obsessed with pale skin, Americans are obsessed with tanned skin. 當中國女性一心想變白時,美國女性想變黑。2.be obsessed byDon"t be obsessed by such small things. 別為這種小事犯愁。So Paul tells Timothy and the church to have nothing to do with such topics. Don"t be obsessedby them. 因此保羅告訴提摩太和以弗所教會要 棄絕世俗以及老婦的無稽之談 , 要避開這種事情不要沈迷在其中。

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