  • 1 # 家庭是我的家

    which英 [wɪtʃ] 美 [wɪtʃ] pron. 哪/那一個;哪/那一些adj. 哪一個;哪一些造句如下:Which do you like best? 你最喜歡哪一個?They live in rooms which intercommunicate. 他們住在互通的房間裡。We could not reason out which way the robbers escaped, because we were unable to find anytrace of them. 我們推斷不出這些強盜是從哪個方向逃走的,因為我們找不到他們的任何蹤跡。We have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist. 我們刪去了全部統計表格,因只有專家才對這些表格感興趣。Tell me which of them is better. 告訴我它們之中哪個較好。Compare this new TV set with the old one, you will see which is better. 將這臺新電視機與舊電視機一比,你就會看出哪一臺更好一些。This is the cause for which we have been struggling. 這就是我們一直為之奮鬥的事業。This is the basis on which our bilateral relations can and should continue to develop. 這是兩國關係應得到繼續發展,並可能得到繼續發展的基礎。He"s always holding up my father to scorn, which made me hate him. 他總是舉出我父親加以嘲笑,這使我十分厭惡他。He spoofed the movement of his boss, which set everybody laughing. 他惟妙惟肖模仿他老闆的動作引得大家一陣大笑。The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable. 他在大顆鑽石上雕琢小平面的技巧是不同凡響的。Two cases of cholera, one of which has ended fatally, have occurred here. 這裡發生過兩起霍亂病例,其中一人已經死亡。He had to surrender the watches to the police in which the heroin was hidden. 他被迫向警察交出了那些藏有海洛因的手錶。This is a heroic company which fought on many fronts in the Anti-Japanese War. 這是一支抗日戰爭中經過南征北戰的英雄連隊。This is the period at which the body attains maturity. 這是身體發育成熟的時期。Which doctor do you go to? 你要找哪一位醫生?Tell me which ones you want. 告訴我哪些是你需要的。

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