  • 1 # SFFG45SS


      《奇異恩典》創作於18世紀的讚美歌,歌詞作者是由1725年出生於倫敦的美國白人約翰牛頓John Newton ,歌詞簡潔充滿敬虔、感恩的告白,也是他的生命見證,約翰牛頓本是一名黑奴船長,無惡不作,後來反而淪落非洲。在一次暴風雨的海上,他蒙上帝的拯救,於是決心痛改前非,奉獻一生,宣揚上帝的福音,成為19世紀偉大的傳道人。去世之前,他為自己寫了墓誌銘:“約翰牛頓牧師,從前是個犯罪作惡不信上帝的人,曾在非洲作奴隸之僕。但藉著主耶穌基督的豐盛憐憫,得蒙保守,與神和好,罪得赦免,並蒙指派宣傳福音事工。”這首詩歌就是他一生得拯救的見證。在歌中充滿了他對自己過去販賣奴隸的悔恨,和對不計較這些仍賜福於他的真主的感激之情。

      作詞:John Newton

      作曲:James P. Carrell, David S. Clayton

      改編:edwin O. Excell

      這首感人至深的極奇異恩典amazing grace其實是首聖詩,西方歌手演唱此曲的版本很多。在這段音訊中海浪和海豚的配樂表達出了原曲聖潔祥和的懾人氣氛。grace原意為"優雅、優美",此處解釋成"上帝對人類的慈悲、恩寵"。


      Amazing grace! How sweet the sound!

      That saved a wretch like me!

      I once was lost but now am found,

      Was blind but now I see.

      Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

      And grace my fears relieved;

      How precious did that grace appear

      The hour I first believed!

      Through many dangers, toils, and snares,

      I have already come;

      Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,

      And grace will lead me home.

      The Lord has promised good to me,

      His word my hope secures;

      He will my shield and portion be,

      As long as life endures.

      Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

      And mortal life shall cease;

      I shall possess, within the vail,

      A life of joy and peace.

      The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,

      The sun forbear to shine;

      But God, who called me here below,

      Will be forever mine.

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