  • 1 # yfxvhgf

      No I didn"t trust him but he rushed me to feel  不 我還沒有信賴他,但是他已經催眠了我的感覺  Tried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appeal 嘗試我對我以及他所有的性感施催眠術  Told me everything that I was longing to hear  告訴我每件事物都是我想得到的  Shine and handsome my souvenir  光澤和英俊 作為我的紀念品  And then all of sudden I have fallen in love  然後所有突然的發生的事是我戀愛了  He would put me down but I"ll still place him above  他會羞辱我,但是我依然在他上面  Tired of searching for the love that still lives in him  尋找依然深藏在他內心的愛  Given my everything like a souvenir  給予我的每一件事物都是一個紀念品  Given up my heart in the name of the memory  藉助美好的回憶放棄我的原則  Fallen down like rain he could feel every drop  就像天上落下的雨,他可以感受到每一點  Now I know have  現在我知道有  Have the courage to tell him  有勇氣告訴他  Tell him to stop!stop!stop!  告訴他停止!停止!停止!  Given up my heart in the name of the memory  藉助美好 的回憶放棄我的原則  Fallen down like rain he could taste every drop  就像天上落下的雨他可以感受到每一點  Now I know have  現在我知道有  Have the courage to tell him  有勇氣告訴他  Tell him to stop!stop!stop  告訴他停止!停止!停止!  I"ll become invisible  我會消失  I melt away at night  我在那晚上離開  Dreams for once so colorful become black and white  僅有一次的夢是那麼的絢麗多彩但卻變的黑與白  Loving once so wonderful is no longer here  能夠令人如此驚奇的愛僅只一次  So I"ll keep this feeling like a souvenir  因此我將這美好的心情當作紀念品儲存起來  Given up my heart in the name of the memory  藉助美好的回憶放棄我的原則  Fallen down like rain he could feel every drop  就像天上落下的雨他能夠感受每一點  Now I know have  現在我知道有  Have the courage to tell him  有勇氣告訴他  Tell him to stop!stop!stop  告訴他停止!停止!停止!

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