  • 1 # 雲UOMO


    [表示過去將來時, 用於第二、三人稱]將, 會

    He said he would come.


    [表示意願]願; 偏要, 肯

    He would eat nothing.

    他不肯吃東西; 他什麼也不願吃。

    I told him not to go, but he would not listen.

    我叫他別去, 可他偏不聽 。

    He would go in spite of our warnings.

    他不聽我們的勸告, 執意要去。

    [表示過去的習慣動作]常常, 總是

    He would sit for hours doing nothing.

    過去他常常 坐幾個鐘頭什麼事也不做。

    He would come to see us on Sundays.


    [表示推測]大概, 該是

    I would be about ten when my brother left home.

    我哥哥離開家時, 我大概十歲左右 。

    [表示某種假設的意志]想要, 願意

    I could do so if I would.

    要是我願意, 我能夠這樣做(但我不願意)。

    If you would do this for me, I should be grateful indeed.

    若是你願意為我做這件事, 我將萬分感激 。

    [表示虛擬, 假設, 虛 構, 用於虛擬條件句的主句第二、第三人稱, 美國也用於第一人稱]要, 會, 就會, 將要

    They would be killed if the car went over the cliff.

    如果汽車翻在懸崖下, 他們就會喪命。

    They would have been killed if the car had gone over the cliff.

    如果汽車當時翻到懸崖下, 他們早就喪命了。

    [表示請求或個人想法、看法, 使語氣更婉轉]請

    Would you kindly show me the way to the station?

    勞駕, 請問到車站的路怎麼走?

    I would like to speak a few words.


    It would seem that he was right.


    [表示假想的願望]但願, 要是...多好

    Would [I would] that they were safe home again!

    願他們再能平安回家 !

    Would that I were young again.


    We wish that he would come again.

    我們但願他會再來 。

    I would rather you came on Sunday.

    希望你星期天來 。

    [表示能力](=could) 能

    The barrel would hold 100 litres.


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